Dietrich College Senior Honors Program Submission Guidelines
As a student completing a thesis in the spring semester, the thesis is due in the Dietrich College Dean’s Office (signed by a student's thesis advisor and department head) by April 26, 2025. Working backward from this date, students should establish a timeline with their thesis advisor and department head as to how much time each feels they will need to read through a student's thesis, offer comments and suggestions and sign and send it on to the next reviewer. The first reviewer should be a student's thesis advisor, the 2nd should be the department head and the 3rd, the dean. A suggested timeline is below:
- 4/1/2025 – Final draft due to the student's thesis advisor.
- 4/15/2025 – Due to department head for 2nd reading, signed and approved by the student's thesis advisor.
- 4/26/2025 - Due to the Dean's Office.
Required Elements
The required elements are as follows:
- Copy of student's thesis
- Completed signature page
- Signed publishing agreement and electronic version of a student's thesis (unless the student opts out of this agreement - see details under the “KiltHub Repository” section below)
The Dean's Office does not require a particular manuscript style for honors theses. Students' theses advisors and/or departments may have style/format requirements.
The signature page is a cover sheet for a student's thesis, which certifies that it has been approved by their advisor, department head and dean. Signature pages are typically created on official departmental letterhead. Students can obtain letterhead from their department. This sample signature page illustrates the appropriate format and content. Students should use this as a guide when creating their signature page (using their department’s letterhead). Students can use the signature page template (Microsoft Word document), inserting their information, then printing it into their department’s letterhead.
Students must secure the advisor and department head signatures before submitting their thesis to the dean’s office.
NOTE: The Dean's Office will obtain Dean Scheines’ signature, so students do not need to route their thesis to him for approval.
Thesis Title
The title of a student's thesis will appear on their final transcript. Please enter the thesis title in SIO in the “Graduation and Diploma” section (under the “Academic Info” tab).
Thesis Presentation
Students are required to present a thesis by participating in the university’s Meeting of the Minds Undergraduate Research Symposium on Reading Day during spring final exams week. Registering in advance is required. If students are unable to fulfill the presentation requirement via the symposium, they must contact the program director, Joseph Devine, to arrange to fulfill it in an alternate way. December graduates who will be on campus on the Symposium date should plan to register and present.
For more information and to register, visit Meeting of the Minds.
Poster or oral presentation?
Either a poster session or an oral presentation will fulfill the presentation requirement of the Dietrich College Senior Honors program.
Please direct questions on registration to Jen Weidenhof, Program Coordinator, CMU Undergraduate Research Office.
KiltHub Repository
Dietrich College Honors students can choose to have their thesis appear on the the university’s KiltHub Repository.
Students who wish to have their thesis published, they are required to complete and sign the publishing agreement. By signing this agreement, students give permission for their theses to be posted online. Students can also view recent Dietrich College Honors theses appearing on the showcase. Students must print the agreement after reviewing, then complete their section and include it with their theses when submitting to the Dean’s Office. Students will also need to submit an electronic version of their thesis.
NOTE: Students may choose to opt out of this agreement if they have any concerns about potential restrictions on future publication of their work.