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Carnegie Mellon University

The Mark Gelfand Award for Educational Outreach

The Leonard Gelfand Center sponsors the annual Mark Gelfand Service Award for Educational Outreach, with the nomination process beginning the fall. The award is presented during the annual Celebration of Education event in April.


The Mark Gelfand Award for Educational Outreach is given annually to a member of the university community who has combined sustained, effective community service with academic coursework and a deliberate process of student reflection to enhance the learning experience, teach social responsibility and improve some aspect of life in the community. Special consideration is given to individuals who focus on science, technology, engineering or mathematics educational outreach to younger populations.
Examples of activities to be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • Developing or strengthening courses or other programs that require Carnegie Mellon students to share expertise with the community while they develop their own content and skill knowledge in a subject area
  • Maintaining a consistent focus on relationships with pre-college populations through teacher professional development programs or direct programming for student populations to improve teaching and learning at the K-12 level.
  • Creating a program or other support system that enables service learning courses to expand or achieve a more effective impact in the community